#! /usr/bin/perl
# Import required modules
use mltpp;
use strict;
# Start the mlt system
# Check the arguments
if ( $#ARGV < 1 ) {
print "Usage: thumbgen.pl file id\n";
# Get the arguments
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $name = $ARGV[1];
my $size = "160x120";
if ( $#ARGV == 2 ) {
$size = $ARGV[2];
!system("convert $name-1.jpg $name-2.jpg $name-3.jpg $name-4.jpg $name-5.jpg $name-6.jpg +append /tmp/$name-2.jpg") or die "convert failed\n";
!system("mv -f $name-4.jpg /tmp/$name-1.jpg") or die "moving to 1st thumbnail failed\n";
sub generate
# Create the producer
my $p = new mltpp::Producer( $file );
# Check that the producer is valid
if ( $p->is_valid != 0 ) {
# Construct the playlist
my $l = new mltpp::Playlist( );
# Get the out point
my $o = $p->get_int( "out" );
# get the duration of the file
#get the seconds (total no of frames/25)
my ($h,$m,$s,$f);
$s = int($o/25);
$f = $o%25;
$m = int($s/60);
$s = $s%60;
$h = int($m/60);
$m = $m%60;
my $tc = sprintf "%02d%02d%02d%02d",$h,$m,$s,$f;
open TC,">/tmp/MPEG_TC.txt";
print TC $tc;
close TC;
$l->append( $p, $o * 0.0, $o * 0.0 );
$l->append( $p, $o * 0.2, $o * 0.2 );
$l->append( $p, $o * 0.4, $o * 0.4 );
$l->append( $p, $o * 0.5, $o * 0.5 );
$l->append( $p, $o * 0.6, $o * 0.6 );
$l->append( $p, $o * 0.8, $o * 0.8 );
# Create the consumer which will generate the thumbnails
my $c = new mltpp::Consumer( "avformat", $name . "-%d.jpg" );
$c->set( "real_time", "0" );
$c->set( "progressive", "1" );
#$c->set( "rescale",$size );
$c->set( "size",$size );
# Connect the playlist and start it
$c->connect( $l );
# Wait until the user stops the consumer
while ( $c->is_stopped == 0 ) {
sleep( 1 );
# Clean up
$c = undef;
$l = undef;
$p = undef;
# rename the source file.
else {
print "Unable to open $ARGV[0]\n";
mltpp::mlt_factory_close( );
– Main.TorstenSpindler - 27 May 2005
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