title: gain
media types:
description: Process audio using a SoX effect.
version: 1
creator: Dan Dennedy
copyright: Meltytech, LLC
license: LGPL
URL: http://sox.sourceforge.net/
title: Options
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
format: [-e|-b|-B|-r] [-n] [-l|-h] [gain-dB]
-e Equalise channels: peak to that with max peak;
-B Balance channels: rms to that with max rms; no clip protection
-b Balance channels: rms to that with max rms; clip protection
Note -Bn = -bn
-r Reclaim headroom (as much as possible without clipping); see -h
-n Norm file to 0dBfs(output precision); gain-dB, if present, usually <0
-l Use simple limiter
-h Apply attenuation for headroom for subsequent effects; gain-dB, if
present, is subject to reclaim by a subsequent gain -r
gain-dB Apply gain in dB
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